Archiving Project and Exhibit

The History of POWES and Feminist Psychology in the UK 

POWES has launched a virtual exhibit, Lasting Legacies and Feminist Futures, in collaboration with Psychology’s Feminist Voices, highlighting the legacy of feminist work in UK Psychology, and ensuring access to this history. This exhibit takes you on a journey through archived documents and oral histories to showcase the history of POWES and feminist organising in Psychology. The project upon which this exhibit is based was conducted by Professor Rose Capdevila, Dr Katherine Hubbard, and Dr Lois Donnelly.

The oral histories with 13 key feminist Psychologists with close ties to the UK and POWES are archived with Psychology’s Feminist Voices and the BPS’ History of Psychology Centre. Documents, photos and other material pertaining to the history of POWES has been archived with the BPS’ History of Psychology Centre.

The project was funded by the British Psychological Society, and was partially funded by the Open Psychology Research Centre at the Open University

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this wonderful project!